All the Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts you need to know Never use your mouse again.
All the Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts you need to know
Never use your mouse again.
Windows 10 was designed with touchscreens in mind, but Microsoft hasn’t forgotten traditional PC users. The operating system comes with plenty of built-in keyboard shortcuts — including brand-new shortcuts for the Command Prompt — for those who prefer a physical keyboard.
[Related: Open programs with keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10]
Here’s a handy list of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for navigating Windows 10.
The basics
Ctrl + A: Select all items in a window.
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert: Copy selected/highlighted item (e.g., text, images, etc).
Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert: Paste selected/highlighted item.
Ctrl + X: Cut selected/highlighted item.
Ctrl + Z: Undo previous action.
Ctrl + Y: Redo action.
Windows key + F1: Open “how to get help in Windows 10” Bing search in default browser.
Alt + F4: Close the current app/window.
Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps/windows.
Shift + Delete: Delete selected item permanently (skip the Recycle Bin).
Start menu and taskbar
You can use these keyboard shortcuts to open, close, and otherwise control the Start menu and the taskbar.
Windows key or Ctrl + Esc: Open Start menu.
Windows key + X: Open the secret Start menu.
Windows key + T: Cycle through the apps (including pinned apps) on the taskbar.
Windows key + [Number]: Open the app pinned in the [number] position on the taskbar. For example, if you have Edge pinned in the first position on the taskbar and you click Windows key + 1, Edge will open. If the app is already open, a new instance/window will open.
Windows key + Alt + [Number]: Open the right-click menu for the app pinned in the [number] position on the taskbar.
Windows key + D: Show/hide desktop (Window key + (,) will display the desktop briefly).
The desktop: Windows, Snap Assist and virtual desktops
These shortcuts control how individual windows act on your desktop, including virtual desktops.
Windows key + M: Minimize all open windows.
Windows key + Shift + M: Restore minimized windows.
Windows key + Home: Minimize all windows except the selected/currently active window.
Windows key + Up arrow: Maximize selected window.
Windows key + Down arrow: Minimize selected window.
Windows key + Left arrow or Right arrow: Snap selected window to the left/right half of the screen. If the window is already in the left half/right of the screen, Windows key + Up or Down will snap it into a quadrant.
Windows key + Shift + Left arrow or Right arrow: Move selected window to left/right monitor.
Windows key + Tab: Open Task view (virtual desktops).
Windows key + Ctrl + D: Add new virtual desktop.
Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrow: Move to the next virtual desktop (to the right).
Windows key + Ctrl + Left arrow: Move to the previous virtual desktop (to the left).
Windows key + Ctrl + F4: Close current virtual desktop.
The Windows key
These keyboard shortcuts use the Windows logo key to perform various tasks on the operating system, such as launching both Windows and third-party apps.
Windows key + A: Open the Action Center.
Windows key + S: Open Cortana in text mode (to type in the search bar). Windows key + Q will also do this.
Windows key + C: Open Cortana in listening mode (similar to saying “Hey, Cortana”).
Windows key + E: Open File Explorer.
Windows key + F: Open the Windows 10 Feedback Hub.
Windows key + Ctrl + F: Search for PCs on a network.
Windows key + G: Open the Game bar.
Windows key + H: Open the Share sidebar.
Windows key + I: Open the Settings menu.
Windows key + K: Open the Connect sidebar (for connecting to new Bluetooth devices or Miracast).
Windows key + L: Lock your computer.
Windows key + O: Lock screen orientation.
Windows key + P: Open presentation/projection sidebar.
Windows key + R: Open the Run window.
Windows key + U: Open Ease of Access center.
Windows key + Spacebar: Switch input language and keyboard layout.
Windows key + (+) or (-): Zoom in and out with magnifier.
Windows key + Esc: Exit magnifier.
Command Prompt
You can use these keyboard shortcuts inside the Windows 10 Command Prompt.
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert: Copy selected text to the clipboard.
Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert: Paste copied text inside the Command Prompt.
Ctrl + A: Select all text on current line (if current line has no text, all text inside the Command Prompt will be selected).
Ctrl + Up or Down: Move screen one line up or down.
Ctrl + F: Search Command Prompt via Find window.
Ctrl + M: Enter Mark mode (allows you to select text with mouse). Once Mark mode is enabled, you can use the arrow keys to move the cursor around.
Shift + Up or Down: Move cursor up or down one line and select text.
Shift + Left or Right: Move cursor left or right one character and select text.
Ctrl + Shift + Left or Right: Move cursor left or right one word and select text.
Shift + Page Up or Page Down: Move cursor up or down one screen and select text.
Shift + Home or End: Move cursor to beginning or end of current line and select text.
Ctrl + Shift + Home/End: Move cursor to beginning or end of screen buffer and select text and beginning/end of Command Prompt’s output.