According to Dell Technology research, 38 percent of Indian IT leaders

We’re entering the next era of human-machine partnerships with a different and new vision of the future, according to quantitative global research by Dell Technologies in collaboration with Vanson Bourne. The research was conducted with 3800 global business leaders including 300 Indian business leaders, across 17 countries.

It is increasingly clear that humans and machines will have to work as a cohesive workforce with 40 percent rooting for administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings, data inputs to be taken over by machines, thereby freeing time. 42 percent Indian leaders believe that inventory management as a task is most likely to be outsourced to machines by 2030

Further, despite the hurdles that businesses face and the inexorable race to move everything online and make available in real-time, 24/7, leaders are united in the belief that they need to transform. 50 percent already believe that they are catering to the evolving needs of their customers, with the help of engaging and customized offerings. While there is a whopping 66 percent who think that their organisations currently or will in 5 years struggle to offer equal opportunities across its different generations of workers due to varied digital skill-sets and mind-sets.

Businesses are split by whether the future represents an opportunity or a threat, and torn by the need to mitigate these risks. For instance:

  • Cyber security is a threat that imposes far reaching implications on the business, believes 56 percent, the more we depend upon technology, the more we have to lose in the event of a cyber-attack.
  • 55 percent of them feel that greater data capture could infringe upon the public’s right to privacy
  • 57 percent are calling for clear protocols in the event that autonomous machines fail
  • 56 percent say computers will need to decipher between good and bad commands

Barriers to transform

Indian businesses are confident of operating a successful digital business in 2030. The main barriers to becoming a successful digital business in 2030 and beyond are:

  • Data privacy and cyber security concerns – 47 percent
  • Lack of budget and resources- 36 percent
  • Lack of senior support and sponsorship- 36 percent
  • Lack of right skills/ competencies-36 percent
  • Lack of employee buy-in-30 percent
  • Lack of coherent digital strategy and vision-29 percent

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