Senator Marafa -What I’ll do if Gov. Yari rejects direct primaries:APC crisis

The Senator representing Zamfara-Central at the National Assembly, Kabiru Marafa has threatened to conduct a parallel primary in the state should Governor Abdulaziz Yari of Zamfara State opt for indirect primary.

The National Executive Committee, NEC, of the All Progressives Congress, APC, on Thursday, opted for the direct primary system.

Some governors have, however, frowned at the decision as it would expose them to open confrontation from other aspirants, especially federal lawmakers.

Marafa, however, told reporters in Abuja yesterday that it was a shame that the Governor was afraid of confronting a Senator and House of Representatives members in a direct primary.

He said, “It is a shame for a governor to say that he is afraid of confronting a senator or a member of the House of Representatives or anybody who challenges him in his state to direct primary but the governor opts for indirect primary. As for the states, (governors can) go and do whatever they want to do. If the courts nullify your election, it is your problem.”

The lawmaker said, “I have no problem with the governor. I have my own party executive and he has his own.

“I am already in court (to authenticate the congresses that produced the executive led by me).

“There are just two options: if what the North-West Zonal Vice-Chairman (of APC) said is anything to go by, that the directive by NEC yesterday was that states where there were litigation should go for direct primary, I am ready for his primary. I can contest direct primary with anybody

“But if the approval by NEC yesterday was for governors to determine what happens and my governor decides to do indirect primary, then he will conduct it with his executive and I will participate in the direct to be held by my executive. The court will eventually determine whose executive is authentic

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