Here’s what it’s like voting in South Korea today

Millions of South Koreans are expected to vote in today’s parliamentary elections. But with the coronavirus outbreak, it’s not exactly a typical election.

Here’s what’s happening at the Samseon-dong polling station in South Korea’s capital, Seoul.

Social distancing

As voters queue up to cast their ballot, they must stand 1 meter (3.2 feet) apart. Stickers on the ground indicate where they need to stand.

Jake Kwon/CNN
Jake Kwon/CNN

Gloves and masks

Anyone who isn’t wearing a mask will be handed one before they enter the polling station. Voters are also given gloves, and their temperature is taken. Anyone with a temperature of more than 37.5 degrees Celsius (99.5 degrees Farenheit) must vote in a special booth.

Jake Kwon/CNN
Jake Kwon/CNN

Casting their vote

Inside the polling station, the booths are regularly disinfected.

Jake Kwon/CNN
Jake Kwon/CNN

Disposing of gloves

Once they’ve voted, voters can discard their gloves.

Jake Kwon/CNN
Jake Kwon/CNN


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