negotiations between the president of Congo and the interim leader of Gabon

On Sunday (Oct. 1), the prime minister of The Congo welcomed Gabon’s new strongman at Ollombo international airport. Then he met with Denis Sassou Nguesso, the president.

Oligui claimed that his visit was intended to strengthen relations and lessen Gabon’s subsequent isolation from the rest of the world.

After meeting with Congo President Denis Sassou Nguesso, Oligui stated, “I have come to consult, to discuss, to exchange with (the president), who for us is a key in the region and who can relay to global authorities what we have done.”

In central Congo, close to Oyo, the talks took place.

Oligui stated, “We hope to once again take our place among the nations. It is also to ease the sanctions.”

Following the change in leadership, Gabon was expelled from both the African Union and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS).

Additionally, ECCAS has mandated that its headquarters be moved right away from Libreville, Gabon, to Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea.

Following the negotiations, the president of Congo chose not to speak to the media, but his foreign minister, Jean-Claude Gakosso, praised Oligui as “a man of humility and reconciliation.”

“I believe that the Congolese, in addition to the Gabonese, should support him. Additionally, our brothers in central Africa,” he said to the media.

Gakosso stated, “We are aware that something changed in Libreville. The fact that there was no bloodshed is what matters most.

This kind of aggressive government change without bloodshed is uncommon.

“In actuality, Gabon and the Congo are the same nation. We must put in a lot of effort and maintain goodwill, he remarked.

The neighboring Republic of Congo offered its support to Gabon’s interim president on Sunday after he met with his counterpart in an effort to strengthen ties and lessen Gabon’s isolation. Gabon’s interim president, who took over as the nation’s leader at the end of August, had earlier been removed.

Ali Bongo Ondimba, 64, who had controlled Gabon since 2009, was deposed by General Brice Oligui Nguema shortly after he was declared the winner of a presidential election in late August.

The opposition and the organizers of the military coup declared the election results to be fraudulent, and they also charged his rule with extensive corruption and poor leadership.

Relations between Gabon and the neighboring Congo were notoriously hostile under Ali Bongo’s leadership.

Oligui, the interim president of Gabon who was sworn in last month, traveled abroad for the second time on this tour.

The removal of Ali Bongo was viewed as a liberation gesture rather than a military takeover by many Gabonese.

Oligui has stated that “free, transparent, and credible elections” will be held in order to restore civilian authority, but he has not specified a timeline.


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