President Muhammadu Buhari has renamed the national stadium in Abuja after MKO Abiola.

The President made the declaration while giving a speech at the Democracy Day celebration which held at the Eagles Square on Wednesday, June 12.

He said, “Today, I propose the renaming of the Abuja National stadium henceforth, it will be called Moshood Abiola National stadium”.

Buhari also spoke about what must be done to atone for the wrongs done leading to the annulment of the June 12 election.

“As we all know, correcting injustice is a free requisite for peace and unity; as part of the processes of healing and reconciliation, I approved the recognition of June 12 as democracy day and invested the late chief Abiola and Babagana Kingibe with national honours as I did with late chief Gani Fawehinmi, the purpose was to partially atone for the trivial damage done in annulling the presidential elections of that year,” Buhari said.

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