Tinubu: Because of your oversized ego, you will lose the respect I have for you. Seyi Law knocks Abdulkareem over a new video

Veteran artist Eedris Abdulkareem has come under fire from well-known Nigerian comedian Seyi Law for purportedly supporting President Bola Tinubu in a recently viral video.
Remember how fans of the current Nigerian president, Bola Tinubu, have vowed to back him no longer? Abdulkareem made this assertion in a podcast about Seyi Law, who just performed at an event he attended.

Seyi Law, on the other hand, refuted the accusation and stated that, given another chance, he would vote for Tinubu again.

Later on, LIB posted a few videos from the purported gathering where Seyi Law made the assertion on its Instagram page.

Nevertheless, it was impossible to tell which side was telling the truth from the audio of the videos.

Eedris Abdulkareem praised LIB for vindicating him in the comment section.

“I guess you thought I was lying, @seyi Law, my lovely sister @Lindaikejiblogofficial, thank you so much,” he tweeted.

Seyilaw responded to the veteran’s remark by writing, “Baba I appreciate you, Gan, but you will lose my respect if you continue down this path of needless deception to feed your inflated ego and uninvited activism. This is the relevance you have to drive yourself to find.

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