Updated for 2024: The Fidelity Bank Salary Structure

How much is the staff salary at Fidelity Bank Plc?

Employees at Fidelity Bank typically make NGN 203,000 a month, although earnings might differ based on region, experience level, and job title.

In addition, Fidelity Bank provides a range of perks to its staff members, such as paid time off, retirement programs, and health insurance.

Fidelity Bank Plc Employee Salary

    • Assistant Banking Officer: NGN 287,000 per month
    • Branch Manager: NGN 950,000 per month
    • Entry Level Staff: NGN 140,000 per month
    • Graduate Trainee Staff: NGN 60,000 per month
    • Internship Staff: NGN 20,000 per month

How much is Fidelity Bank Entry Level Salary

 In 2023, Fidelity Bank Nigeria would pay entry-level workers a monthly wage of approximately NGN140,000, for a total compensation package of NGN1.6 million year.

Entry-level employees receive a range of bonuses and allowances in addition to their base pay, such as free healthcare, car allowances, performance bonuses, and other benefits at the bank’s discretion.

Graduate trainees at Fidelity Bank are paid NGN60,000 per month, or NGN720,000 annually. Graduate trainees are executive trainees who have just been hired and are being trained for senior positions within the bank.

They usually begin their jobs at the entry-level after completing their training. They are anticipated to advance up the ranks, nevertheless, given enough time and experience.

How much is Fidelity Bank Interns/IT Student Salary?

Rephrase “Interns and students undergoing their industrial training (IT) at Fidelity Bank are paid monthly salaries in the range between ₦10,000 – ₦15,000, which totals ₦120,000 – ₦180,000 per annum.

The amount is paid for the entire duration of their short stay at the bank, either for six months for university students or one year for polytechnic students.

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[…] Updated for 2024: The Fidelity Bank Salary Structure […]

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