Nollywood’s Father Is Not Pete Edochie, According To Actor Stephen Alajemba

The seasoned Nollywood actor Stephen Alajemba, usually referred to as Uwaezuoke, has argued that Pete Edochie is not “the father of Nollywood,” but rather the late Solomon Eze, also known as Mike Orihedịmma.
Alajemba emphasized that Orihedmma was a trailblazer in Igbo cinema, which substantially aided in the development of Nollywood.

Alajemba did, however, also commend Pete Edochie, pointing out how experienced he is in the business and using “Things Fall Apart” as a yardstick for his legacy.

Alajemba stated, “Mike Orihedịmma is the first person to be mentioned when you talk about Igbo movie industry,” in a recent interview with well-known YouTuber Yan Kontent Factory. The majority of the actors you see today had their training from him. Pauloo and Kenneth Nnebue both wrote “Living In Bondage,” modeling themselves after him.

“Pete Edochie is the only person in the film industry I respect.” Anybody in the film industry today who claims to be older than me ought to give us the name of his first feature film and the year it was released. I can only claim that Pete Edochie is older than me due to Things Fall Apart.

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