As gunmen storm a drinking establishment and kill four people, a popular Nollywood actor narrowly escapes death

Sylvester Madu, commonly known as Shina Rambo in Nollywood, nearly missed murder on Saturday when gunmen stormed a drinking establishment in Cameroon.

The actor made news a few months ago when he was photographed in ‘Okirika,’ a popular market in Southeast selling second-hand clothing.

Confirming the attack, the film company that invited Madu to Bamenda, Cameroon, on November 23, 2023, to work on a film project, stated in a statement on Monday that about 10 p.m. on Saturday, some unidentified gunmen entered the drinking location where the actor was hanging out with a few others.

Four individuals were killed and nearly 10 were seriously injured in the incident.

“DAMA Films received Nollywood actor Sylvester Madu on November 23 2023, in Bamenda for a movie shoot advocating against hard drug addiction,” according to the statement.

“While finishing the film, we were invited to make a guest appearance at BIG G VIP, which is located at Mile 3 Nkwen.” Big G’s snooker championship began at 3 p.m., and everything went well, with fans meeting Sylvester Madu.

We heard gunfire from outside just after 10 p.m., and many people fled in a panic, killing four civilians and injuring over ten others. The police intervened, ensuring Nollywood actor Sylvester Madu’s safety and dispersing the mob.

“The police are currently conducting investigations to this effect, as they assured the safety of Sylvester Madu and his subsequent excursion to his country, Nigeria.”

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